Special edition Student
Are you in school, college or university? Our Student Planner is the planner for you!
The Student Planner is tailor-made to suit the busy days of a student. We’ve packed it full of practical pages where you can fill in your schedule, track your grades, plan projects and get motivated by the weekly quotes on each spread!
We’ve also crammed in some fun boredom busters in the back pages, like our super cute, ever-popular colouring pages. Use the Student Planner as your assignment and homework diary, and never miss a deadline.
Personalise your Student Planner by adding your name on the cover and selecting your starting month - now you’re ready for your most organised academic year yet!
- Size Classic A5, 147x205 mm
- 160 pages
- 130 g eco-friendly FSC paper
- Quote on owner's page
- Weekly layout 6, right page: Ruled
- Modules: Unnamed, Best & Worst, Colour-in
- Year Overview - Compact, 4 pages
- Student - School Year, 2 pages
- Student - Schedule 1, 2 pages
- Student - Academic Grades 2 pages
- Lists 1, 4 pages
- Tracker Yearly 2 pages
- Tracker Books & Movies 2 pages
- Leaf Tracker 2 pages
- 30-Day Challenge 2 pages
- Travel World Map 2 pages
- Workout 1, 6 pages
- Colouring Pages 6 pages
- Ruled 12 pages
- Gold elastic closure
- Storage pocket
- White ruler